This is general advice only and is a brief summary. For full details click here and seek specific advice.
How much? $10,000 when you buy a house that has never been lived in or build a new house.
Stamp duty exemption or discount when you purchase an established house or block of land with the intention of building.
How much? $10,000 when you buy a house that has never been lived in or build a new house.
Stamp duty exemption or discount when you purchase an established house or block of land with the intention of building.
What? $10,000 cash towards construction after slab down or after settlement if purchasing new.
$0 stamp duty for established houses with a purchase price up to $430,000 then discounted until $530,000
$0 stamp duty for land with a purchase price of up to $300,000 then discounted to $400,000. You must build your first house on the land.
When? You must live in the house as your principal place of residence for 6 months, commencing within 12 months of settlement.
Tests? Not means tested
Cap of $750,000 purchase price in metro Perth to receive the $10,000
Limits? Only for first home buyers
Only available once per person
Only available once per transaction
Who? One applicant must be Australian citizen or permanent resident
Must be a natural person
Owner builders are eligible
Apply? Within 12 months of the completion date, or through your bank/broker at time of finance application.
To discuss the first home owners grant in more detail, and to find out how much you qualify to borrow, contact us for an obligation free appointment.
$0 stamp duty for established houses with a purchase price up to $430,000 then discounted until $530,000
$0 stamp duty for land with a purchase price of up to $300,000 then discounted to $400,000. You must build your first house on the land.
When? You must live in the house as your principal place of residence for 6 months, commencing within 12 months of settlement.
Tests? Not means tested
Cap of $750,000 purchase price in metro Perth to receive the $10,000
Limits? Only for first home buyers
Only available once per person
Only available once per transaction
Who? One applicant must be Australian citizen or permanent resident
Must be a natural person
Owner builders are eligible
Apply? Within 12 months of the completion date, or through your bank/broker at time of finance application.
To discuss the first home owners grant in more detail, and to find out how much you qualify to borrow, contact us for an obligation free appointment.